Resume Madness

This Fall 2022 semester, the Career Center will be hosting Resume Café Events for students and alumni.

STUDENTS: Please bring a hard copy of your resume with you for an on-the-spot resume critique by one of the Career Center professionals or guests.

Note: Students & Alumni may receive assistance with resumes in the Career Center by appointment or during drop-in hours.

EMPLOYERS: Interested in participating in our events to assist with resume critiques?  Contact us in the Career Center at or 417-836-5636.

Business Resumé Café

Two opportunities:

August 31: 11am - 2pm 

Glass Hall 2nd Floor Atrium

Check-in at Glass 276


September 6: 11am - 2pm

Glass Hall 2nd Floor Atrium

Check-in at Glass 276

Agriculture Resumé Café

September 21: 10am - 2pm

Karls Hall Atrium